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Brain Test


Answer Brain Test with your intelligence and solve all 170+ puzzles! This tricky puzzle game will challenge the thinking abilities of all players. This online game recently has 2 modes: Normal and Holiday.

Normal Brain Test Puzzles

The regular mode of this arcade game includes 179 puzzles with difficult challenges.

179 Online Quizzes

The number of Brain Test puzzles is 179 at the moment. In the future, this online game can be upgraded and add new puzzles. With this number of puzzles, players can experience more of the feeling of adventure compared to the Moto X3M game.

What questions does this Brain Test game have?

The questions of this game revolve around all topics and fields. In particular, the questions will include humorous elements to increase the fun experience for players. For example, level 1 asks you to choose the largest animal from an animal list, including elephants, lions, zebras, mice, and sloths. According to common knowledge, the players can choose the elephant, but this answer is incorrect. The correct answer is a lion because its image is the largest on the screen.

Brain Test Supports

Puzzles will gradually increase in difficulty over time. To assist players in answering, this Brain Test game allows you to use Hints or Next supports. You can get hints or move on to the next question, but the number of times you can use them is limited.

How to get Hints and Next support?

To receive these two supports, you need to have enough light bulbs which is a reward for each correct answer.

Special Holiday Mode

This additional mode may change over time based on upcoming holidays. For example, you can now experience Halloween mode with spooky puzzles. With this new theme, Brain Test will become increasingly attractive and interesting for all online players.